MCQ & Online Test – Diversity in Living Organisms – NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 7

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MCQ Diversity in Living Organisms - Hierarchy of Classification Groups
Hierarchy of Classification – Groups

Online Test | MCQ Diversity in Living Organisms | NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 7 | CBSE Syllabus

Every student of class 9 of NCERT/CBSE syllabus may take part this online test of NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Diversity in Living Organisms and verify his score to check preparedness

#1. Corals are

#2. Which among the following have open circulatory system?

#3. Which is not an aquatic animal?

#4. Elephantiasis is caused by

#5. Differentiation in segmental fashion occurs in

#6. Who introduced the system of scientific nomenclature of organisms?

#7. Skeleton is made entirely of cartilage in

#8. Amphibians do not have the following

#9. Real organs are absent in

#10. Well defined nucleus is absent in

#11. Find the false statement

#12. The feature that is not a characteristic of Protochordata -

#13. Organisms without nucleus & cell organelles belong to - a) fungi, b) protista, c) cyanobacteria, d) archaebacteria?

#14. Five kingdom classification is given by

#15. The locomotory organs of Echinodermata are

#16. Hard calcium carbonate structures are used as skeleton by

#17. Which of the following is not a criterion for classification of living organisms?

#18. The book  'Systema Nature' is written by

#19. Find out false statement-

#20. Which is true fish?

#21. Find fully correct option. Which has specialized tissue for conduction of water - a. Thallophyta, b. Bryophyta, c. Pteridophyta, d. Gymnosperms?

#22. Two chambered heart occurs in

#23. Find out the false statement

#24. Which of the following is the most common character of the vertebrates?

#25. Find out false statement-

#26. Which produce seeds?

#27. In which group of animals, coelom is filled with blood?

#28. Amphibians do not have

#29. A cockroach has

#30. Pteridophyta do not have

#31. Which branch of science is not related to Karl Von Line?

#32. Which produces seeds without fruit?

#33. Which is exclusively marine?

#34. Earthworm has an un-segmented band called

#35. In taxonomic hierarchy family comes between

#36. Meena & Hari observed an animal in their garden. Hari & Meena termed that animal as insect & earthworm respectively. Which following character confirms said animal as insect?

#37. Which one of the following is not an Annelid?

#38. Which among the following have scales?

#39. The 'Origin of Species' is written by

#40. Which is not an aquatic animal?



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To Be Continued